Who am I?

 Hi everyone! I am Lleyton, a current undergraduate physics student in National Institute of Physics, UP Diliman. I decided to open up a blog page to show science enthusiasts what it is like studying physics, especially my journey on pursuing research. This page will create content related to my reflections and experiences progressing to my physics journey and it will be useful for my contact information as an academic. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lleyton-mariscotes-1903b9216

As an undergrad who just recently joined a research group, my current interests are in particle physics.

Last June 28, I received an email offer from Dr. Denny Lane Sombillo to join the Nuclear and Hadron Physics Group, and I just noticed it on July 3 since I am on vacation. But that time I did not hesitate to send an application letter since the research topic he assigned to me as well as the skills that are expected to be used are aligned to my interests as well as career plans. So the day after that, July 4, I am now officially a member of the Nuclear and Hadron Physics Group. I will reveal the research topic once I had enough understanding to explain it. Well, I practically have no clue of the topic, I think it just sound cool so I am up for it.

I am writing this post during my vacation before my third year. I am currently reviewing past physics topics  to prepare for third year as well as reading publications for my first ever research meeting with my adviser. 

Next post is research meeting #1. See you!   


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