New Announcement!
It's been almost a year since I haven't posted any research progress. But to sum it all up, I've been running around in circles from reading Scattering Theory to reading a present Multi-Channel Scattering Research and then going back to Quantum Mechanics. It's hard to understand them for a moment but we have made progress to the part of my work in the research group. We have shown a progress of making our own Three-Channel S-Matrix model. The model still has some work to do to fit a sample scattering amplitude we tested, but we decided to put it on a paper so we can present them to a national level physics conference. This feels unreal as an undergrad to create a paper with my adviser for the first time.
So to the main thing: the announcement. Before I explain the intricacies of my work in the research lab, I will journal here the foundations that I am learning currently so that I am able to get some corrections and hopefully share to the people my materials and ideas. The posts will be classified into two:
1. Science Article style - good for having general and essential concepts. It also includes history of how the scientists came up with the ideas. Also good for figuring out the motivation of a certain field. Still with important equations (Don't worry I will explain them as simple as possible so you do not need to have any background)
2. Lecture Material Style - this will feel more comprehensive and detailed. But compared to textbooks, I will flesh out the most essential parts as possible so everyone will be able to use these concepts on practice problems that I will recommend.
The roadmap will be in order of my needed essentials:
1. Quantum Mechanics
2. Complex Analysis
3. Scattering Theory
4. Techniques in Differential Equations
(don't forget the physics major's elephant in the room: Electromagnetism)
That's it! Stay tuned!
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